Calls to other Mobile Networks

Mobile Network A to Mobile Network B using Avantimobile

Using AvantiMobile the call is passed via Network A to Avantimobile, which delivers the call to Network B. Network A charges 5 pence into Avantimobile. Avantimobile charges 12.5p out to Network B.

The two legs have a total cost of 17.5p instead of the single leg of Network A to network B, which would have been 40p.

Mobile Network A to Mobile Network B

The program stores a list of telephone numbers that are known to be charged at far greater prices by your network than you would expect to pay from a landline. The programme also knows if you are calling a mobile number that has been issued to your own Mobile network (as issued to the mobile operator by British Government). Any calls of this type are not routed via Avantimobile, as they are cheaper on your own network, so are connected in the usual manner via your network when you dial.

Call to other Mobile Networks | International Calls | Calls to Premium Rate Numbers

Avantimobile is currently only available to users in Great Britain.

Example Rates
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